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NextGrandcross's avatar

White Park Zone.



I say Christmas Carnival would be a cooler name, but whatever. :P

Anyway, leaving Sylvania Castle behind, Sonic and Tails head up into the snowy mountains tracking down Eggman, who toke over a abandoned Amusement Park. Highly based on Sonic 3 & Knuckles Ice Cap Zone, with some brand new elements added in that were never seen till now, The duo Snowboard down avalanches, Roll down Rollercoaster tracks, and explore sub-zero waters. This Zone is home to a couple of tough Badniks, including the return of Sonic 1's Spikes, now with a indestructible shell, The Polar Bear Snowy who knows how to take a beating, and the Steelions who attempt to block your progress. All leads to a epic battle against Metal Sonic, powered up with a unknown energy.

My opinion, that Metal Sonic fight here had to been one of the best bosses in the series.

This turned out a little different than my original sketch. I originally had Little Planet in the sky, but I took that out in favor of a giant moon, also removed a few trees to the right and replaced that space with a lake.
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MonsterJamFan916's avatar

Nice, but one question.